Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Christian Evidences


After completing the earlier course of Matthew in September 2016, I started in earnest this course, Christian Evidences from World Video Bible School. For two months I worked on it and even took the first test at the end of October 2016. For the second test I had to prepare personal notes from the book The Truth about Human Origins. This is a 530 page book from Apologetics Press. However much I tried, I simply did not have the motivation to go through with the preparation of the notes, even though I kept reading the book. Eventually I abandoned the effort and forgot all about the course.

On 12th July of this year I received a mail from World Video Bible School that I had not logged in into my free account for 12 months and gave me the option to delete my account. It was then I thought that I will work through the course irrespective of how tedious some of the course work may be and resumed with the course.

Description and Purpose: This course is a survey of the logical reasons for believing in God's existence and in the inspiration of the Bible. The purpose of this course is to examine the many evidences upon which Christianity rests, to provide a rich, in-depth study of God's word, and to provide convincing proof, both from internal and external sources, of the Bibles' claim as the word of God.

Course Contents

The course is delivered through the following Videos
  1. Why Study Christian Evidences (Part 1)
  2. Why Study Christian Evidences (Part 2)
  3. Cosmological Argument
  4. Teleological Argument
  5. Anthropological Argument
  6. Ontological Argument
  7. Argument For Revelation
  8. The Biblical Claim Of Inspiration
  9. Harmony Between Science And Scripture
  10. Introduction To Archaeology
  11. Archaeology And Logic Prove Bible Inspiration
  12. Prophetic Events In the Life Of Christ
  13. The Uniqueness Of The Bible
  14. Fulfilled Prophecy
  15. The Resurrection Of Jesus Proves Inspiration
  16. Miracles - Did They Happen?
  17. Evolution Is Presented Dishonestly
  18. Faith In Evolution
  19. Evolution Has Failed
  20. Dating Problems And Techniques
  21. Radio-Metric Dating Methods
  22. Fossils
  23. The World-Wide Flood
  24. The Ark Of Noah
  25. Recent Creation
  26. Theistic Evolution
  27. Dinosaurs
  28. Why Does God Allow Pain And Suffering?
I had to read the following books as part of this course.
  1. Creation Compromises, Bert Thompson, Apologetics Press, Montgomery, AL
  2. The Truth About Human Origins, Brad Harrub and Bert Thompson, Apologetics Press, Montgomery, AL
I also read the following recommended book
  1. Why We Believe The Bible, George W DeHoff, DeHoff Publications, Murfreesboro, TN

In the following sections I will try to briefly high light some of the important thoughts on the topics covered by the course. This study is really very deep thought provoking one and it will depend on how one view and believes on the concerned matter. I will not be exactly summarizing as to what was excellently presented in the course, but will try to say what I have personally come to think and believe about each of the topics after going through the course. Each of the topics are very large to discuss, so I will try to make it as brief as possible to highlight only the important points as much as possible as it was presented in the class.

Even before I write about the course contents I am aware that I will never be able to convey even very little of what the course contains. If any of the brief descriptions given below creates any interest in you I suggest that you can create your free account and watch videos of these topics which would take about 18-19 hours just to view them. You can register for the Christian Evidences course here. You only need your user id and email to register. I would encourage you to register and explore deeper on this subject.

Why Study Christian Evidences

The Christian Bible, when truly studied, will reveal to the student that the Bible truths are independent of time and that they have been written with divine inspiration. No human mind, without divine inspiration, could have conceived many of the truths that are revealed in the Bible. There are numerous Christian evidences that can be explored to establish the divine authority of the Bible.

The Bible commands to the reader in 1 Peter 3:15 "... if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it." It instructs in Colossians 4:6 "..." that you may know how you ought to answer each one." Christian evidences by themselves do not change a person; only the Word can change.

Cosmological Argument

This argument that says that there had to be something adequate enough to bring about the entire universe is called the Cosmological Argument. This argument says that universe is here and had to come from somewhere. It could not have created itself. According to First Law of Thermodynamics, nothing comes from nothing in nature. This is also called Causal Argument. Atheists have objected "that if everything had to have a beginning, God did, too." But this objection assumes that God is an "effect," not a "Prime Mover."

Teleological Argument

The argument for the existence of God from the evidence of order, and hence design, is called the Teleological Argument. The Teleological argument is also known as the Argument for Design or Intelligent Design Argument is an argument for the existence of God or, more generally, for an intelligent creator based on perceived evidence of deliberate design of the natural world. It is more logical to conclude that the cause that created the world must have been "mind".  Dr R. J. White, a neurosurgeon, stated that from his medical knowledge, logic led him to believe in a Superior Mind that made out minds.

Anthropological Argument

This argument that says all men have a conscience (i.e. concept of right and wrong and, therefore, they must have been made by one who had the same ability since no known physical laws could account for the rise of "moral" in non-moral materials) called the Anthropological Argument. Emmanuel Kant stated the anthropological argument persuaded him to believe in the existence of God even though other arguments had failed.

Ontological Argument

The universality of the concept of God is called Ontological Argument. God is the greatest being possible and it is not possible to there to be a being greater than God. The ontological argument is an argument based not on observation of the world (like the Cosmological and Teleological Arguments) but rather on reason alone.

Argument for Revelation

Man has 5 senses which are the only avenues through which intelligence concerning material things can reach us. The intellectual power of man consists of perception, memory and consciousness. Man cannot invent or originate the idea of spiritual things; therefore the idea and the words used to express them are derivable only from and direct revelation from God. There must be a cause great enough to bring about this whole universe, and it is not a part of the physical universe. It obviously works intelligently and purposefully and is, therefore, mind. It is able to rationally decide between good and evil; therefore, He is personality and must have revealed to man that He exists, since man is unable to conceive of any absolutely new idea by himself.

The Biblical Claim of Inspiration

The New Testament teaches the Scriptures are "God-breathed". 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work". The New Testament passage 2 Peter 1:20-21 clearly points out that the Holy Spirit moved (carried along) the writers of prophecy. "Knowing this first that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." According to the class, the Old Testament claims to be from God approximately 3,808 times. New Testament inspiration is so exact; Paul claims the Holy Spirit gave the words he used in teaching (writing or speaking) God's word.

Harmony between Science and Scripture

The Bible does not state scientific truths in scientific language. The errors and fallacies of science common to the age of Bible's production are not found in it. "From the time Bible first stated the earth was round (a sphere) until it was proven by Ferdinand Magellan by his voyage around the world in 1519 it was about 2,500 years. Matthew Fontaine Maury was able to discover ocean currents because he noticed the teaching found in Psalm 8:8 which say "The birds of the air, and the fish of the sea that pass through the paths of the seas." Because of the scientific foreknowledge found in the Bible we can conclude that Bible writers must have received their material from a source higher than their own learning. The two major cautions given about accepting certain passages from the Bible as proof of scientific foreknowledge were (1) proper interpretation of poetic passages, and (2) make sure not to give only a modern theory as solid proof which may tomorrow be proven scientifically wrong.

Introduction to Archaeology

Early archaeologists were not careful to preserve the artefacts they discovered believing the importance of their finds would be of great historical value. They dug out the artefacts for their material value. Two advantages of modern Biblical Archaeology are the confirmation it gives to the Bible and the supplemental information it gives concerning background and geological customs. Nelson Glueck stated that "Archaeological discoveries have never controverted (contradicted) a biblical Reference. If all manuscripts of the New Testament we destroyed, we could reproduce the entire book from quotations of early church writes except for a few (about 11) verses.

Archaeology and Logic Prove Bible Inspiration

The Bible specifically claims to be the inspired word of God. The archaeological discovery of Nuzi Tablets proved that the actions of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were typical of those living in that approximate time period. The Ebla Tablets were found in about 1975 contain tablets written about 2500 BC. The Ebla Tablets contain letters, economic texts, law codes, mythological texts and other similar items. They also provide valuable dictionary and pronunciation guide in Sumerian and provide vowel sounds. Two significant discoveries in the Ebla Tablets for Bible students were the vowels in the ancient Semitic language, and the personal name of God. These Tablets indicate the name Yah (or Yahweh) was in use long before Moses' time. The medical book Moses would have been taught from during his days of education in Egypt is now called papyrus Ebers. The John Ryland's Fragment of John (papyrus-52) archaeological discovery showed the gospel story to be written around the years 125-175 AD. So many 'problems' of the Bible have been solved by archaeological discoveries that we may now be assured by inductive reasoning, that even though the Bible is now being challenged, when the final answer comes, the Bible will be proven right.

Prophetic Events in the Life of Christ

Even though they are just as true as any other prophesy, those about Christ which are written in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New Testament are not as strong as others which are provable by archaeology and history when they are used for evidence to non-Bible believers. It was specifically prophesied in the Old Testament that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem. The exact town of the birth of Messiah, the general time of the coming of Messiah and the triumphal entry into Jerusalem were all prophesied. It was specifically prophesied in the Old Testament that Jesus would be resurrected.

The Uniqueness of the Bible

 The Bible is unique in its restraint in recording amazing things and it consistency in recording events in history. The Bible was written over a period of approximately 1,500 to 2,000 years and by about 40 different authors. In the work done by Wilson in comparing 41 kings' name found both in the original discoveries and in the Old Testament, there is strong proof not only of historical accuracy of the Bible, but also that it has come down to our time correctly copied. If the original writers and all copyists were so accurate in recording the names of foreign kings (which we can check out), they would have been more likely to record events, prophecies, revelations and laws (which we cannot check out at this time). The Bible is the only ancient book which begins at the beginning and ends at the end. According to the class the real overall theme of the Bible is redemption.

Fulfilled Prophesy

One criterion of true prophecy is it must be beyond the power of man to predict. Another criterion of true prophecy was that it must be unambiguous.

The Resurrection of Jesus Proves Inspiration

The Bible specifically claims to be the inspired word of God. One of the proofs of inspiration given in class dealt with results in history wherever Bible has gone. One of the proofs of inspiration given in class dealt with the authority is assumes when it tells people to give up evil and practice things they would not normally do or be punished if they do not. If it can be shown that the resurrection of Jesus is true, we would then also know that the whole Bible is true. If it can be shown that the resurrection of Jesus is true, then we can also show that Christianity is one true religion. If the resurrection of Jesus did NOT happen, then Paul says all preaching is vain and no one is going to be resurrected. If the resurrection did occur, Jesus is the Son of God, Christianity is the only true religion, and miracles did occur, of which the resurrection is chief. According to class the New Testament mentions resurrection 104 times.

Miracles - Did They Happen

Just relating the miracles of the Bible to sceptics is not as strong an argument as also showing the actual historical effects of those miracles. Concerning "Miracles," there are many categories under which they fall, such as nature, bodily healing and raising the dead. One of the evidences FOR Bible miracles is the fact that Jesus and miracles are "inseparable." One way to determine if a miracle is real or not is to determine if the event is unique (not reproducible by specific techniques employed by or at the direction of human practitioners). One way to determine if a miracle is real or not is to determine if the testimony associated with the miracle honours God and Jesus, and supports clear teachings of the Bible.

Evolution Is Presented Dishonestly

There is much evidence to show that evolution should not be listed even as a theory of science. Evolution has failed to explain the existence of a material universe's coming from nothing. Evolution has failed to explain the existence in all forms of animate beings some form of instinct and in man his conscience, rational power and spiritual inclination. If the Bible chronologies are of any value at all, the age of man cannot be millions or billions of years old. A hat and a ham in New Zealand show that fossils do not always take long to make. Evolution is inconsistent with God's omnipotence, personality, omniscience and purposiveness.

Dating Problems and Techniques

The way any radioactive dating process works is that the parent product breaks down to the daughter products. Radioactive dating technique is uncertain because of the difference in isotope concentrations. Also radioactive dating technique is uncertain because the increase decay rates would affect samples. The radioactive dating technique is uncertain because the instability of the nucleus of radioactive atom is not clearly understood. During collapse of a nearby star or galaxy, earth would have been subjected to sudden increase of radioactivity causing nuclear instability; a drastic change in the magnetic field of the earth. Such events would cause radioactive clocks to speed up and show "apparent aging." Radioactive dating procedures are not fool-proof. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is true, everything is running down and entropy occurs. In a close system when an item turns into another it loses ability, it can never go back. The eternity of matter is impossible.

Radio-Metric Dating Methods

Geologic-related dating methods are open to question because: It must be known that no parent or daughter material has been added or removed. Earth could have been created with the appearance of maturity. Uranium 238 turns into Lead 206 with a half-life of 4.5 billion years. Uranium 235 turns in Lead 207 with half-life of 0.7 billion years. Potassium 40 turns into Argon 40 (gas) with a half-lie of 1.3 billion years. How could anyone calibrate such events involving billions of years accurately? The half-life of Carbon 14 is 5730 years. The date back to which Carbon 14 is accurate is 1,500 BC. Assumption would be the amount of radio-carbon in the atmosphere has remained fairly constant in past ages.


The name of the science that has to do will fossils is Palaeontology. Evolutionists say that Simple Fossils are normally in the lower strata. They also say that Complex fossils are normally in the upper strata. Bones can be trapped in sediment and become fossilized. Even footprints and body casts can become fossils. Evolutionists say sedimentation happened again and again over millions of years. Evolutionists explain that Over-thrust was the reason how fossils got "out of order". They said the Trilobite was for too "advanced" for the "old" geological dated strata it is in. Circular reasoning is the major fallacy with geologic procedure in dating fossils. Uniformitarianism theory presents that geological rates are about the same as they have always been in the past. The Mythen was moved from Africa to fit the geological theory.

The World-Wide Flood

The origin of civilization always goes back to the area near Ararat-Babylon region in post-flood time. Knowing how the population of the world has been growing one can work back to how long back the world would have had 8 people from whom all others had descended. Mathematical calculations show that it cannot be more than 13,000 years. There is lot of geological evidences of worldwide occurrence of water-laid sediments and sedimentary rocks. Also all major mountain ranges are less that about 10,000 years.

The Ark of Noah

The ark was built of gopher wood. If Noah had used some other sort of wood, the material would have perished before he finished the boat. The size of the ark was 450 feet by 75 feet by 45 feet. The cargo space of Noah's ark was equal to at least 527 box cars. It seems logical that God may have caused baby animals to be the ones who came to the ark instead of mature ones. The would (1) take up much less room, (2) eat far less, (3) not be as dangerous to other animals and people, and (4) not need to reproduce until leaving the ark a year later. If this hypothesis is correct, much less room than that suggested above would be required for all the necessary species. It must be noted that Noah and his sons had up to 120 years to complete the task. Further, when compared to feats of other ancient build, e.g. pyramids, the barge does not seem impossible to build. Finally, since Noah was a patriarch (chief), it seems reasonable to assume that hired help could have aided in its construction. When one has an objection to the Bible as God's Word in the grounds of a certain argument, if it can be shown that there is a logical explanation, he should abandon his position. If, however, he continues to hold his opposition, he has a heart problem, not an intellectual one. These should cause the honest man to stop his opposition to God's Word.

Recent Creation

During Darwin's time, the earth was said to be 20 million years old. Over 5 miles of science texts in a museum in France can't be checked out, not because of value, but because they are wrong! Honest investigation should be welcomed by scientists and non-scientists alike. As more and accurate science is understood the age of the universe is "reduced." 1979 -- Miscalculation of Hubble's' "constant" results in 6-9 billion years reduction. 1987 -- Measuring a radioactive nuclide in the sun ... "the data suggests a date too young to be measured by means of this calculation." 1994 -- "Billions and billions of years shaved off the age of the universe." Stars which are given as billions of light years may not be so far away. There are many different ways to measure the life of the earth. Each of the method gives a different value. Science seems to be biased to take a largest of the value than more probable small values.

Theistic Evolution

Theistic Evolution is the idea that God started or directed evolutionary processes. They try to believe both in evolution and in God. Theistic Evolution uses many of the Creationists argument against "chance" and claim that it had to be God that caused it to occur. Theistic Evolution is not accepted by evolutionists. You cannot understand evolution and believe in God. Theistic Evolution does not fit what the Bible says. Like, space, matter and time are eternal in the evolutionary scenario, whereas according to Biblical record there was a period with no time, space or matter. The course discusses another 34 such contrasting differences between evolution and creation. Theistic Evolution causes people to turn more toward the materialistic world-view ("Mother Nature") and less toward the spiritual.


Painting of "dragons" and a trilobite in a sandal print is evidence that men and dinosaurs lived at the same time. Blue whale is an animal much larger than dinosaurs.

Why Does God Allow Pain and Suffering

One reason there is so much suffering is because people will not heed the warnings of nature. Pain is the body's way of saying "I need attention." One value of pain is that it gives man a reason to realize life will end. God has already experienced suffering; so He is not to be charged unfairly because He allows us to suffer. It would not be best for all people if God stamped out all the evil in the world, because then there will be none in the world.

About this Post

This post is inspired by the course of Christian Evidences provided by World Video Bible School as a part of my study.

You can read about Life of Peter in the Gospel of Matthew from the earlier course of Matthew.

You can read about The God I believe in here.

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